Freshhope Christian Counseling in Arkansas

We know you've been searching for answers, looking for peace, and striving for a connection. We want to walk alongside you on your journey, providing in-person and virtual faith-based counseling in Arkansas.

Our Counseling Services

  • Mental Health Christian Counseling in Arkansas

    Mental Health and Wellness

    Stress, Anxiety, Worry, Sadness, Depression, Bereavement, Grief and Loss, Trauma, PTSD

  • Relationship and Marriage Christian Counseling in Arkansas

    Relationship and Family Support

    Marriage/Family Difficulties, Divorce Recovery, Relational Conflict, Pre-Marriage Counseling.

  • Behavioral Christian Counseling in Arkansas

    Emotional and Behavioral Issues

    Anger Management, ADHD, ODD

In Person Christian Counseling in Arkansas

Our Approach: Simple and Centered on You

  1. Understand Your Story: Your life, your challenges, your dreams - they're unique. We're here to listen.

  2. Virtual or In-Person Counseling: In-person consultations in Arkansas or virtual meetings are available. Choose what suits you best!

  3. Personalized Path to Healing: Together, we'll create a customized roadmap to wellness that aligns with your faith and values.

  4. Celebrate Transformation: Witness the positive change and renewed strength in your life.

Who We Are

Hello, my name is Brad Hays. I am independently credentialed as a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Arkansas with nearly 30 years of counseling experience and hold a Master's Degree in Pastoral Counseling.

God has called me to create Freshhope Christian Counseling - a private Christian Counseling center. Over the past few years I’ve been an independent counselor contracting with other organizations.

I look forward to meeting you!

–Brad Hays

Don't Face Life's Challenges Alone

When the path seems unclear, and obstacles feel insurmountable, remember, there is hope. With Freshhope Christian Counseling, you're never alone. Your faith, combined with our expert guidance, will open doors to healing and fulfillment.